Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Week 2 ...Very Late Week 2...Google Stuff

Other Google Stuff - Google Docs

I have been using Google Docs for a while now for both work and personal use. For work, it has been great to allow other staff to collaborate on documents we were working on together. The only problem I found (and it was a big problem) was that the formatting was lost when you pulled a document from MS Word into Google Docs...very irritating when I had formatted a table of contents and headers correctly...so once this happened went back working on the version on our network, which restricted us to only working on the plan at work.

Recently, I needed to compose a staff survey for work.Found that Google Docs had expanded to incorporate forms....it was fantastic and easy to use. Here is a link to our first draft. There was no restriction on maximum number of questions and all questions could have been compiled into the associated spreadsheet..great find.

Other Google Stuff - Google Reader

Where do I start..well I started using Google Reader years ago (November 2006 I just found out when I checked my Reader). This was right around the time that Google decommissioned Google Notes (think that's what is was called) which I absolutely loved. At the beginning of using Reader I added heaps of amazing RSS feeds  (Steve Abrahm was my favourite blogger) and used it all the time but started to move away from it, due to time constraints, and because Twitter came along and change things...much easier to get through 100 tweets than 100 blogs then decide what posts to continue to read in more depth.


  1. I had a simiar feeling when I graduated from RSS to twitter, such a relief not to have to read all those articles!! But I like to include it because it's an excellent way to source material for a particular area of research. Google docs can be a little annoying with formatting it's true but I find that if I save my docx as an rtf most of the original formatting is preserved when I upload it to docs, or drive as it's now called! Thanks for posting Megan, good to hear from you again :)

  2. Thanks for the tip about rtf.. I am going to try that.
