The Skiing Librarian... It hit me with a flash...The 2 most fun things in my life (apart from my family) are skiing and being a librarian. Well almost the 2 most fun things in my life. Looking forward to a trip to Lake Tahoe next Summer (their Winter) for 4 glorious weeks of skiing on the corduroy. Then stopping over in Hawaii on the way home for a few margeritas.
So here I am finally blogging again after many years just reading others. I love Web 2.0 and have been actively playing with it for ages. Digging through my paperwork the other day and found an article about blogs from 2001.... it was a lot harder then. Web 2.0 possibilities in libraries are endless mostly because of the convenience. For instance would love to set up a BookClub blog for all those people for whom it isn't convenient/unable to join a book club group. If there is one word I think describes the viability of libraries is their convenience. If it ain't convenient then no matter what you do they will not enter (physically or virtually). Oh well, that is my thought for the day.
Welcome to the program. You look pretty competent at blogging I hope you get a chance to keep on going with the program.